For Our Loved Ones


A friend of mine shared this song again today. When I first heard it a long time ago, it was painful for me to watch and hear. But the more I heard it, the more I loved it.

Rob Thomas wrote this song about his wife, Marisol Maldonado Thomas, who has an autoimmune disease.  It has been said that she has an autoimmune disease that is similar in nature to lupus. Although she has chosen to not disclose the exact autoimmune disease she has, I believe that this song speaks to so many of our experiences.  And I am grateful to Mr. Thomas for writing it.

It is a special song to many of those battling autoimmune disease and those who watch the pain and hardship we go through.  It is hard on our loved ones too.

There is a line in the song that says,

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. But when she feels bad, I do too.

We need to remember not only those fighting MG, but our loved ones as well.  It’s hard on them too.

Having a child with autism, I understand the role of both the patient and the caregiver. It’s important that we don’t forget the caregivers and loves ones.

So many times my husband, or my kids, or my parents, have asked me if I am alright and I’ve said, “No, but I will be.”

There is another line in the song that says,

She’ll be alright, just not tonight.

I love that line.  So today I post this song in dedication to all of those who fight this fight, and those who love them and support them.

Debbie Norman
– Founder and Director of Women with MG

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